
The Contribution section of the Contribution Analysis editor allows for configuring how the contributions are illustrated to the retirement plan, including both pre-tax and Roth account values.

Show Current Contribution Column

Determines if the current contribution column for the paycheck is displayed.

Note:Typically this would be included, unless the value was not imported.

Show Theoretical Maximum Contribution ("Quick Max") Column

This shows the maximum contribution the client can make to the retirement plan on an annual basis.

The Quick Max is the plan's annual contribution limit, including the over-50 catchup provision (if relevant) divided by the number of paychecks per year. It does not take into consideration year-to-date contributions or special catch-up provisions for 403(b) and 457 plans. (For 2022 the annual contribution limit for 401(k) plans is $20,500 plus an additional $6,500 for participants 50 and over).  Also, the Quick Max is proportional to the current pre-tax and Roth account contributions (if applicable).  

Note:The limits are determined by the type of retirement plan configured either in the Employer File editor or, if the employer file is using a custom retirement plan, in the Custom Retirement Plan editors. Plan limits can be overridden in the Custom Retirement Plan editor.

Hide Contributions Above "Quick Max"

Checking this box excludes contribution values that are above the "Quick Max" (defined above) and can be excluded from the report.

Pre-Tax Contribution Values Displayed

Select how the pre-tax contribution values are to be displayed in the Paycheck section of the report: Percent then Dollar, Dollar then Percent, Percent Only or Dollar Only. When the contribution is displayed as a percentage and a dollar value, they will be displayed on separate lines.

Retirement Contribution Values Displayed as

This determines how the increased contribution values are displayed: either a Percent of Account (more typical) or a Dollar value.

Contribution Value Type

This prompt is only available if the current contribution are Roth account is not included in the contribution comparison (above). It determines if the contribution values entered in the grid (to the right) are relative to the participants' current contribution (added to) or absolute values.

Annual Increases

Illustrate Annual Increasing Contribution

Determines if the auto-increase column should be displayed. The other prompts in this group are only available if this is selected.

Immediate Increase

Enter the increase in contribution that will occur immediately.

Annual Increase with Raise

Enter the annual increase the occurs with the next raise. (Raises are configured in the Employer File Editor's Miscellaneous tab).

Increase Contributions for a Specified Number of Years

Check this box to limit the number of years the increase occurs. The editor to the right will be enabled when this is elected. Enter the number of years increases will occur.

Maximum Increase in Contribution

Select this option to enter a maximum increase in contribution. Enter the maximum increase in contributions.

Retirement Contribution Values Display as

This prompt is only available if a Roth account is not included in the illustration. This determines if the contribution values (entered below) are absolute or relative to the current contribution.

For example, if the current contribution is 3%, and a 2%, 4% and 6% contribution values are entered, and the Show Current Contribution Column is selected:

1.Selecting Absolute Values would show 3%, 4% and 6% columns.

2.Selecting Relative Values would show 3%, 5%, 7%, and 9% columns.

Contribution Value Type

Select whether the contribution values are entered as percent values or dollar values.

When Offsetting Contribution Values

This prompt is only available if Relative Values is selected as the Contribution Value Type (above). It determines if the new contribution value is adjusted when the Contribution Offsets (entered in the grid to the right) are added to the current contribution.

Add Offset, do not Round

No rounding occurs to the new contribution value.

Round Value

The new contribution value is rounded to the nearest percentage. For example, if the participant is contributing 3.25%, and the increase in contribution is 1%, the new value would be rounded from 4.25% to 4%. For half percents (x.5%), Banker's Rounding is used (the value is rounded to the even number).

Round Value Up

The new contribution value is rounded up to the nearest percentage. For example, if the participant is contributing 3.25%, and the increase in contribution is 1%, the new value would be rounded up from 4.25% up to 5%.

Hide Illustrations Less than the Current Contribution Values

If Absolute Values is selected as the Contribution Value Type (above), some of the contributions may be less than the current. Checking this box will hide the contributions lower than the current contribution.

# of Contributions to Illustrate

Enter the number of contributions to illustrate. There are a maximum of 7 contributions columns that can be illustrated. If the Current Contribution, Auto-Increase, and/or Theoretical Maximum Contribution check boxes (first two options in this dialog) are checked, these will be part of the 8 columns.

Contribution Offset/Levels

Enter the Contribution Offset (or Contribution Levels) for the additional contribution columns in this grid.

Note:Contributions within 0.10% of other contributions will not be included in the reports. For example, if the Quick Max column is included (discussed above) and is 20.07% of pay, and a 20% column was included in this list, than the 20% column would not be included in the report.