Show a Specific 401(k)/TSA Deposit

Note:Percent method is similar to the method described below. Simply choose the respective item in the Solve-It window.

To show a specific 401(k)/TSA deposit:

1.If the contribution method configured in the employer file is Dollar Value (click here for more information on configuring retirement plans in the Employer File editor), simply enter the value in the corresponding input field:

Dollar Contribution

2.If the contribution method configured in the employer file is Percent Value:

a.Place the cursor in an editor in the column on which to run the illustration (this brings focus to the column).

b.Click the Solve-It button found in the ribbon bar's Paycheck context tab.

c.Select "Deposit a Specific Dollar Amount to the 401(k)."

d.Enter the specific dollar value to contribute to the 401(k) (see below).

Paycheck Solve-It! by the dollar

e.Press the 'OK' button to apply and close the dialog.