Answer Your Clients’ Important Retirement Questions
Give Your Clients
The Information They’re Looking For
Your client’s have specific retirement questions, you want to show them specific retirement strategies, shouldn’t you be using specific retirement software?
TRAK helps you work in your clients’ best interests by providing understandable and transparent answers and analyses for common retirement strategies…
TRAK Solutions
Retirement Needs Analysis
Sometimes clients need to see the “gap” before they are motivated to change. TRAK’s Gap Calculator provides a rapid, visual gap analysis of a client’s retirement needs taking into account their retirement plan, Social Security, and nearly any combination of additional assets and incomes.
Paycheck Analysis
Clients find it hard to argue with their own data. So why not show them their own paycheck data? TRAK’s Paycheck Calculator is a suite of three separate calculators that help a client quickly and easily understand what is being said, find additional funding for retirement, and see how account funds will accumulate until retirement and the income that they will provide.
Plan Participant Solutions
Many advisors dread participant meetings, so do many participants. If you are starting to feel that dreadful feeling in the pit of your stomach, keep reading because you can engage and motivate plan participants like never before with TRAK’s Batch Processing solution. Now you can quickly give retirement plan participants a meaningful report illustrating their contributions and their impact on retirement and answering their most important question: “Am I ready for retirement?”.
Roth Conversion
Clients who understand the financial concepts being communicated are much more likely to buy into the solutions their advisors present. TRAK’s Roth Conversion illustration tool allows you to quickly enter values and illustrate for clients how a Roth conversion impacts them today and in retirement. TRAK provides the results in a story board and in graphical and grid presentations.
Split Annuity
Will we have enough when we retire? It’s the burning question most clients ask. The Multi-Tier Split Annuity calculator gives advisors the ability to illustrate a split annuity (between two and five tiers), quickly showing a client the income that can be produced from a lump sum value. Or, working backwards, it can calculate the cash balance needed to produce a required income.
Tax-Wise Retirement Distributions
In the financial planning arena, it’s been said for years that accumulation and distribution are different. But what does that mean? The Tax Wise Distribution Strategy definitively articulates the differences and provides clients the maximum after-tax income in retirement. And advisors using the strategy can clearly share with clients how their advice is easy to understand, solid and advantageous to their financial futures.
Social Security Timing
How you advise your clients to collect their Social Security matters. Clients and their spouses must consider not only their timing (at what age), but also their strategy for collecting Social Security. TRAK’s Strategic Social Security calculator evaluates both timing and strategies, helping clients determine when and how to collect their Social Security income.
Pension Maximization
TRAK includes two Pension Maximization (also known as Pension Income Maximization) calculators that easily illustrate for a client the option of replacing a lower income option with life insurance. Show the income a client will receive from the various options in a retirement pension plan, the projected cost over retirement of taking a lower income option, and how life insurance may provide the income needed for his or her spouse. All of this can be done with a few data entry points and the click of a mouse!
Defined Benefit Programs
If your clients are teachers or are federal, state or municipal government employees, you know how cumbersome it can be to illustrate your client’s pension and survivor benefit options. TRAK has over 700 pension plans built into the software, allowing you to spend less time on cumbersome calculations and more time advising your clients.
And Many More
TRAK includes many other tools frequently used by advisors during retirement planning.
- Asset Allocation Questionnaire: Includes the flexibility to add many custom asset allocation questionnaires.
- RMD Calculator: Calculate the Required Minimum Distribution on an account and illustrate the effects of RMD on the account over time.
- 72(t): Instantly calculate a penalty free distribution from a pre-tax account prior to age 59½. Mid-term interest rates can be updated over the internet with the click of a mouse button!
- Maximum Allowable Contribution: TRAK allows you to quickly calculate the maximum annual contribution to 403(b) account (include the 402(g) catch up) and a 457 account. Includes calculate the 402(g) limit and double-up options.
- Debt Analyzer: Illustrate the paying off high interest credit cards with a loan from a qualified plan.
- College Funding: Calculate the savings needed to fund college accounts for client’s children.
- Internal Rate of Return Calculator: Calculate the rate of retuned in an account that includes irregular distributions and/or deposits.
TRAK Solutions
Enterprise Solutions
The Retirement Analysis Kit (TRAK) has been ranked as the most effective sales tool by a Fortune 100 company. It receives praise from individual advisors and sales management. One broker-dealer tells us that “all of our best advisors use TRAK.” TRAK has been used by advisors for over 30 years and we routinely work with corporate clients to provide tailored, enterprise solutions.
This customization can include a specific set of calculators; change in the name of the software; provide integration with corporate software; and customize reports including a customized cover page, company or advisor branding, and customized disclaimer pages. Other TRAK features can be customized to meet your specific corporate needs.
→ Contact us to find out how we can help your organization!