
Note: To access the Printing Configuration Screen Information, select File/Config from the ribbon bar and select Printing/Config from the left hand menu.

Cover Page

Show Report Title on Cover Page and Include Agent's Fax Number on Cover

Set either of these features as desired.

General Settings

Auto-name Reports when Printing to File

Check this box if reports are to be given a name when the save dialog is opened. The default file name will be based on the clients name.

Include "Calculation Method" page in report list

Check this box if the "Calculation Method" report is to be printed with the report.

"Calculation Method" Page must be Printed when a Report is Printed

Check this box if the "Calculation Method" page is mandatory. If this is checked, the report cannot be inadvertently unchecked.

Allow Saving Archive Report to File

Allows saving report archives to file. Note that archive report file format is proprietary and may not be compatible with any file viewer.

Show Report Revised Date in Footer

Shows the date the report was last revised in the footer.

Configuration for the Report Print Date/Time

Select the format for the revised date in the footer.

Automatically Select Default Reports

Default reports for each calculator are now automatically created.  To enable or disable default report sets, check or uncheck the box.


Preview Options

Preview Report

Check this box to display a preview of a report when the mouse pauses over the name of a report.

Preview Display Time

This prompt is only enabled if the Preview Report is checked. Select the amount of time required to display the preview of the report.

Printing Images

Force Direct Draw Images to Printer

This option prints images directly to the printer. Check this box if images are printed poorly. It may reduce printing performance.

Allow images to be transparent

This option is not supported by all printer drivers. It may improve watermark images.

Default Directory

Select the method to use for the Default Directory when printing to files. If Use Default Directory is checked, select the default directory for the reports, otherwise TRAK will remember which directory was used last.