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The Retirement Analysis Kit Help File

These options are to configure TRAK's connection to the database files. TRAK has two distinct type of database files:

1.the client database (data that is related to each client file created in TRAK; by default named TRAKCLIENTDATA.FDB), and database files (these are databases that contain TRAK's reports, withholding tax tables, etc.).

For Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 the default location for the databases is in the following directory:

C:\ProgramData\Trust Builders\Data

For Windows NT, the default these files are located in:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Trust Builders\Data.

Note:These settings are stored in the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Trust Builders, Inc.\Database\Local.

Client Database Connection

TRAK's client database connection allows for two different connection types:

1.Direct (the database can be either on the local computer or a remote computer), or

2.TRAK Data Server (and the server can be on either a local or remote computer, but would typically be on a remote computer).

Direction Connection

A direct connection is when TRAK connects directly to the Firebird database server. By default TRAK connects directly to a local server (residing on the same machine and directory that TRAK is installed on).

Technically Speaking:For those who need a more technical description: by default TRAK uses a DLL (FBClient.DLL) which acts as the Firebird database server. It is an embedded database server.

TRAK can connect to a remote database server if the Firebird database server is installed on a remote machine that TRAK can locate. For more information, please contact Trust Builders for the white paper on configuring the client database on a remote machine.

Warning:There is no encryption provided with a direct connection to a database. It is not recommended that the data travel over an open network.
Note:Not all versions of TRAK can connect to a remote database. If the options are not available in the dialog, than TRAK cannot connect remotely.

3.This includes the directory for support files. (Support files include the pension plans database, the tax files database, and the annuity products database.)

TRAK Database Server

TRAK's database server provides the ability to both connect remotely and work with client data while not connected to the remote database. This allows a user to take a laptop into the field, work with client data and later reconnect with the TRAK Database Server and sync their database (even if someone else made changes to the client data in the office). This requires the TRAK Database Server is installed and licensed. Separate instructions are available for working with the TRAK Database Server.

Support Database Connection

TRAK support databases can either be connect to locally (recommended) or remotely (on a separate computer). If installed remotely, the Firebird database server must be installed remotely and each time TRAK is installed, the support database files (all *.FDB files except TRAKClientData.FDB, installed in the directory mentioned above) must be copied to the remote computer.