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The Retirement Analysis Kit Help File

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Printing the Retirement Years Grid in Landscape

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The Retirement Years - Grid report can be printed in either portrait or landscape orientations. Additionally, it can be printed using legal size paper (It is the the only report in TRAK that allows these specific changes). This may reduce the number of pages required to print the report, and make it easier to read.

For example, here is a view of the report in portrait mode:


The columns on the far right will be wrapped to the next page. This can be fixed by printing the report in landscape orientation:


Use the following steps to achieve this:

1.Right click over the report in the printer dialog and select "Custom Printer Settings..." from the pop-up window.


This will open the Printer Setup dialog.

2. In the Printer Setup dialog, select "Landscape" from the "Orientation" group box.


3.Click the "OK" button.

4.To the right of the "Retirement Years - Grid" report, there will be a printer icon indicating the report is using custom printer settings.


5.Note that the settings can be cleared by right clicking over the report and selecting "Clear Printer Settings".