Note | The following two prompts are only available for the initial allocation. |
Type of Initial Annuity
Select the type of the initial annuity: either an Immediate Annuity or a Deferred Annuity.
Number of Years to Defer
This prompt is visible only if this is the initial allocation and if Deferred Annuity is selected as the the Type of Initial Annuity.
If the initial annuity is a deferred annuity, enter the number of years to defer the initial annuity. If Allow Delay of Payments for the Initial Allocation is checked in the Configuration panel, and Future Age is in Annuity Start prompt, deferring will occur beyond the Start Age entered above.
Annuity Type
Select Fixed, Fixed-Indexed or Variable.
Notes | If a Variable annuity is selected anywhere in the illustration, additional calculations and reports are automatically created for regulation requirements. These include a 0% rates of return illustration. |
The printed report will automatically include descriptions of only the different types of annuities included in this illustration. |
Rate of Return
Enter the rate of return associated with this allocation.
Annual Fee ($)
Enter the annual dollar fee, if any.
Annual Fee (%)
Enter the annual fee as a percent that the account is charged.
Surrender Fee Method
Select the surrender fee for the account from the following methods. The options are:
No Fees: No surrender fees are associated with the account.
Decreasing Fixed Rate: The surrender fee starts as a specific rate and steps down by the same value for a specific number of years. An example of this would be starting at 10% and stepping down at 1% per year for 5 years.
Comma Separated Values:Use this method when the surrender fee steps down in an irregular method. An example of this would be 10% the first year, 9.5% the second, 9% the third, 8% the fourth and 7% the fifth.
Number of Years Surrender Fee Last
This prompt is visible if there is a surrender fee. Enter the number of years the account has a surrender fee.
The following prompts are visible only if the Surrender Fee Method is Decreasing Fixed Rate:
Initial Surrender Fee
Enter the initial year's surrender fee (e.g. from the example above, 10%).
Annual Decreases in Surrender Fee
Enter the annual decrease in the surrender fee (e.g. from the example above, the value would be 1%). After the Number of Years Surrender Fee Last has been met, the surrender fee drops to zero.
The following prompts are visible only if the Surrender Fee Method is Decreasing Fixed Rate:
Annual Fees (Comma-Separated Values)
Enter the annual surrender fees, starting with the first year, with each value separated by commas. The number of values must match the value entered for Number of Years Surrender Fees Last, or an error message will occur.
Max. Annual Distribution without Fee
Enter maximum annual distribution, as a percentage, that may occur from the account with out a withdrawal penalty or fee.