Fields to Import

"Which fields should be imported?" is a common question when importing data. The specific fields for importing data will vary from employer.

The following grid shows a categorized list of fields typically needed for importing data and the typical source from which the data normally comes.

Data Category

Typical Source

Typical List of Fields


Participant Identity

Record Keeper and Payroll

First Name

Last Name

Social Security Number

Employee Class

Date of Birth (DOB)

Fields are used to identify client and may be used to merge data from different sources.

Social Security Number is not required, but may be used when data is merged from two different sources (e.g. a Excel file from the payroll and from the record keeper).

Account Balance

Record Keeper

Current Balance


Paycheck Information


Federal and state withholding fields (status, allowances and additional tax)

Total Cafeteria (Section 125) Contributions

401(k) (or other pre-tax account) contribution

Total After-Tax Deductions

There may be other fields to calculate the paycheck value (e.g. including local tax) that are not included in this list. They are less common. But depending upon the state and the way in which payroll is done, they may need to be taken into account.

The 401(k) contribution may be either a dollar value or a percent, but must be separate columns.


Not all of these fields need to be imported. Here are a few comments on specific fields:

1.Social Security Number (SSN)—only used if merging data from different sources.

2.Date of Hire: Required only if employer contributions are related to years of service (e.g. one year to qualify for employer’s match)

3.Contact Information Fields: Such as phone number, address, email, etc. These may be helpful to import for into the client information in TRAK.

4.Roth fields: Required only if Roth is supported by employer retirement plan.

5.DB Income Per Month Value: Used in very few cases where a (often a retired) DB plan income is available to the client. (This is often a closed DB plan that you can get projection values from).

6.Employer Class: Used when the profit sharing is related to employer class.

7.StateStatus:  For most states, these are used for state taxation, however, in states like Arizona, taxation is based on a percentage % of income.  If that is the case, the field that contains the % taxation rate should be assigned and imported into TRAK using the "StateState" field.