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The Retirement Analysis Kit Help File

Navigation: TRAK Programs > Gap Analysis > Data Input Tabs

Client and Spouse Retirement Plan tabs

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The data on this screen configures the retirement plan for the client or spouse.

The only prompt on this screen that is consistent across various retirement plan types (defined contribution or defined benefit) is the first one: Retirement Plan.

Gap Analysis Retirement Plan Tab

The list of retirement plans may be filtered by clicking on the editor button to the right (or selecting File/Config from the ribbon bar and selecting Gap Analysis/Retirement Plans in the navigator on the right).

Retirement plans fall into several categories:

1.Defined Contribution Plans

Click here for more information about working with defined contribution plans.

2.Defined Benefit Plans

a.State Pension Plans

TRAK includes many state defined benefit plans.

b.Federal Plans

The CSRS (and CSRS with offset) and FERS systems are available as a selection. Click here for information about working with the federal retirement systems.

c.Private Pension Plans

Private defined benefit plans (such as hospital pension plans) may be added to the system. Contact for information. (A plan document describing how to perform the plan calculations must be provided).

Some retirement plans may require custom input. Click here for more information about additional prompts.