The Interest Calculator is a simple calculator to use but provides the power and functionality for complex calculations. It will calculate unknown values for projected values (accumulations), distributions and loan values, and cost to wait. It is often compared to an HP-11c in its features, but much easier in its functionality.
To use the Interest Calculator,
1)Select the desired Calculation Type. TRAK's Interest Calculator provides for four different types of calculations:
d)Accumulation & Distribution
The prompts will change based on the type of calculation selected.
2)For the first three calculation types listed above, a Calculate prompt will be displayed. Select which value to calculate. The calculated value be displayed below the input field (unless an error message indicated the value cannot be calculated with the input provided).
3)Enter the values for the prompts on the left hand side. The calculated value will be updated after entering a value exiting the field.
Additional Information
More detail can be found in the links below:
1.Projected Value Calculations