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The Retirement Analysis Kit Help File

Each of the prompts on the Setup screen is discussed below:

Retirement Inflation

Enter the expected annual inflation during retirement.

Rates of Return

Prior to Retirement & During Retirement

Enter the hypothetical rate of return that will be illustrated in the account prior to and during retirement.

Life Expectancy

These settings determine how the life expectancy is calculated for each calculation.

Paycheck Options

Determines which optional lines are displayed in the paycheck comparison section of the report. Note that the employer contribution items and "Total Contribution" lines will not display unless the employer is making a contribution.

Word Choice for "Raises"

In the reports, the word raises can also be replaced with increases. Select the preferred word.

Round-up Recommended Contribution to the Next Whole Percent

Check this box for rounding-up recommended contributions to the next whole percent.

Show Employer Contribution Description on Separate Page

Check this to move the description of the employer contribution on the report from below the Assumptions to a second page.

Show Disclaimer on Separate Page

Check this box to move the disclaimer from below the assumptions (and employer contributions) to a second page.