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Helping Advisors prepare their clients for retirement since 1986.

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Ironmans and Financial Advisors

Ironmans and Financial Advisors

Recently I finished a Half Ironman Triathlon in St. George, Utah. It was a great race: swimming 1.2 miles, biking 56 miles, and then running the half-marathon, 13.1 miles. That’s 70.3 miles in total! The elevation gain of just over 4,400 feet had me contemplating quitting. At times, it felt like torture. But I finished, and for me, I finished well, just 26 seconds shy of six hours. I was thrilled! I exceeded my expectations on a very tough course.

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Putting Clients in the Driver’s Seat

Putting Clients in the Driver’s Seat

I have interacted with advisors who are experiencing success, I have noticed one key difference in their approach: they put their clients in the driver’s seat. Allow the client to drive the solutions you provide them for success.

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Thinking of Creating Your Own Software?

Thinking of Creating Your Own Software?

“We’re thinking we’ll create our own software,” a prospective client told me recently. I sighed, partly because I might lose a sale, but more so because I am well aware of the difficulties of developing your own software.

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