Average Values Chart Options

The Chart Options panel is a docking panel found to the right of the Average Values page. The options are discussed below.

Include Income from Accounts Above the Client's Need

This prompt allows the grid to include income above the clients needs. By default it is not checked.

Chart Type

Select if the data is to be displayed in a Bar Chart or Pie Chart.

Note:Hovering the mouse over account names or the chart will highlight that particular account.

Chart Options

Additional configuration is available for screen layout, etc.

Pie Chart Legend Location

This can be configured if the Pie Chart type was selected.  Four options are available for legend placement.

Pie Chart Data

Choose to display income by Account or by Type.

Show Income by Type in Chart's Subfooter

This places a statement at the bottom of the screen indicating fixed and flexible incomes.

Include Shortfall Income as Income Type

This adds the shortfall statement at the bottom of the screen that also includes fixed and flexible incomes.

View 3-D

This puts a dimensional treatment on the chart display.

Fixed Income Accounts

Fixed account designation can be set manually or automatically.  To set account type manually, choose that option from the drop down menu and check the box to the left of the account name.