Printing the Retirement Years Grid in Landscape

The Retirement Years - Grid supports different page sizes, such as legal size or 11" x 14", as long as the selected printer supports it

For example, here is a view of the report in portrait mode:



And here is the same report configured for legal size paper.




(An outline of the Letter size page can be seen right above it).

1.Right-click over the "Retire Years - Grid" and click on "Customize Print Settings".


2.Click on "Customize Print Settings"

3.Select a printer that supports the desired paper size

4.Select the Paper Size for the report.

5.Select the Orientation for the paper.

When a reports print settings are customized, an icon will appear to the right of it's name


Notes:Settings can be cleared by right-clicking over the report and selecting "Clear Printer Settings".
Printer settings are stored on the local computer (in the registry).
If the page is not generated in the correct size, it is because the printer driver does not support that size of a page. (The pages sizes can be listed but not support. Sorry, I don't make the rules here, I am just a technical writer).
By default, customized report settings are persisted between sessions. To turn this off, click on the Configure icon (ConfigIcon) below the report list, on the right hand side and un-check "Remember Individual Report Settings" (under "Report Settings").